Monday, November 12, 2007

Day 27 - Josh 1:9

Do not Fear and Fear God
Joshua 1:9 - Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

When we think of a verse that will comfort us in our fears, most people come to this one. It again strikes me that all we are commanded to do is to either BE or not to BE... BE strong. BE courageous. Do Not BE frigthened. Do not BE dismayed. It isn't a matter of war or strategy or innovativeness or ingenuity. Joshua is to be strong and he is not to be frightened. That is the extent of the commandment of God. The reason I believe He says this is because when we fear, we are unable to carry out the will of God. Fear paralyzes and gives someone or something more power than God. And the reason, again, that we are to be or not to be is because the LORD (the God of all Gods, the creator, the sustainer, the judge, the most powerful and righteous and Holy one) who is also YOUR God, is with you wherever you go. Again, the character of God is our foundation, our cause and effect, for our well-being. If you are going to fear anything, fear displeasing him, disobeying him, not trusting him or forgetting Him. That should be your biggest concern.

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